Saturday, August 18, 2012

Life, thus far....

                                                 Breathtaking views from every direction!

Before leaving on this venture, I went through many emotions and sometimes felt a sense of guilt. Worrying if I was doing the right thing for Winslow and how it would impact our family. The truth is, it was probably the best thing I could have done for all of us. Winslow is learning a new culture, seeing people of a different ethnicity, and eating foods that he would not have in America.  The people here adore him! Its been a blessing for me because people are drawn to us (to Win, not me). People approach us and initiate conversation because of Win. Also, I find myself venturing out more, taking walks, which I may not have done if it were me, alone.  Winslow has opened doors for our family. We have met many people and seen many things because of him.

Life is slow in Nepal. Some days feel long for me. This has been the most challenging aspect.  There is not a lot on our daily agenda. There isn't a Target, Mall, not many restaurants, few commitments. It is good for our body, mind and health but it sure is an adjustment.  Sometimes I feel like I should be doing something more but then I remind myself that it is okay to just be.

Mommy challenges!!
***Having to boil the water before giving Win a bath. The water here is not good to drink, I don't want to take any risks. When Win splashes in the tub, water gets in his mouth. I also bathe him twice a day-Winslow is crawling EVERYWHERE and he gets into EVERYTHING.

***Laundry! We do not have a washer or drier. We are lucky, Meena washes our clothing; however, with all the moisture in the air the clothing takes days to dry!  We hang them outside but it can rain at the drop of a hat so some days I am literally running outside to grab the laundry before it gets wet again!!  It sure makes me think twice before throwing an item of clothing into the laundry basket.

***Cloth diapers!! The reason this is a challenge is because the cloths takes a very long time to dry before we can use them again. They do sell pampers at the market. A bit pricey but I might give in soon.  I told myself I would give the cloth diapers some time to grow on me. ;) Time will tell!!

***Win has not been sleeping well since we arrived. Naps are going great but he has been waking up several times a night.  This is very unlike him. Not sure if its all the changes, teething, ears (with the high altitude) or just comfort. We have done what I swore I would never do. We brought his crib in our bedroom!!! It has helped a bit.  I think him knowing he is close to us is comforting for him. If any one has advice on this topic- please contact me!! I dont have access to any sleep books.

***Being flexible. Since becoming a mother I have noticed that I am a bit more controlling. I like to think of it as being protective ;)  I have to surrender and go with the flow. As mentioned above, people in Nepal LOVE Winslow. Everyone wants to hold him, touch him, pinch his cheeks. In Kathmandu, the servers at the restaurants would hold him and play with him while Ryan and I ate! It felt weird at first but it was sort of nice.  At first, it would make me a little upset because I didn't want Win to contract any germs but there is no two ways around it.  Win loves the attention and it hasn't seemed to affect him, health wise.  The kid has zero stranger anxiety! Not sure if that is good or bad. ;)

I have been thinking about what it is that brings a person happiness. I thought about the old saying, "nothing good comes easy".   I correlate this to having a baby.  The challenges of being pregnant, the labor and then comes a beautiful baby-happiness. I relate this to our time here in Nepal. For me, there have been and will be challenges. But this time and these challenges will shape me into a better person; wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.  Though its hard. It is good to challenge ourselves.

Nepal is sort of a throw-back.  Our milk is delivered to our home every morning. Meena brings us fresh fruits and veggies, daily.  On friday, at the market I did not have enough money and they told me I could pay next time.  AND if I call the market ahead of time, I can place a delivery order. A man will fill a large basket with our groceries and bring them to us!! I tried this once. I asked for 4 chicken breasts and they brought his 4 packages of hot dogs!!! Still learning.

Good thing I just started language lessons!! A tutor comes to our home twice a week and teaches me how to speak Nepali.  This has been great because I am learning how to communicate some with Meena.  Languages are so tough but I am trying really hard. The Nepali people really appreciate when foreigners try. Ryan is also taking lessons. We do separate lessons as he wants to know more medical and I want to know more household.

Saturday is a holy day in Nepal. No one works. It is a day of rest. Sunday is like our Monday. Weird for me!  Last Saturday we went to church. The service was beautiful. The first hour was music and worship. I really enjoyed this part. The second hour is the sermon. A pastor from Australia came to give the serman.  They also had a Nepali interpreter.  The serman was about marriage what it takes to have a healthy marriage. It was nice to reflect and remind myself how to be a good wife and how Ryan can be a good husband.

This time has been great for our marriage. Like I explained, there are not a lot of distractions so we really get to focus on us as a family.  In the evenings, we sit, drink tea, talk, read books, study the language, journal or watch movies. Its very nice.

A few photos of our life in Tansen.

Watching Tom & Jerry with new friends.

MoMo making party. MoMo are like pot stickers. The mission families gathered to make veggie, and meat Momos. So YUMMY!!

Walking to church. This is the view from every road. 

Sorry for the long winded update!!!
Thank you for reading!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We have arrived!!!

We have arrived safely in Tansen. We moved into our apartment yesterday and it is beyond what we have ever imaged.  Our home is very spacious and we have a panoramic view of the mountains. We are living above the clouds!! In the morning, looking out the window we see white below us, surrounded by a shore of mountain peaks....people call it the "white lake".  With the heat of the day the "white lake" disappears to reveal the valley below.
                        We took this photo on our hike.  The building is where we live. Below are the clouds!!! Just below the trees is the hospital. I will upload some hospital photos soon. 

Ryan, Win and I went for a morning hike. Just outside our home is a beautiful hiking area.  We hiked for about 2 miles-the most beautiful sites I have ever seen. Everything is so green and the air feels so pure. This morning the skies were clear and we could see the Annapurna mountain range in the distance-mountains towering above the other mountains.

                                                                   6am Hike!!

In our building are 4 other missionary families. All have been here for a few years. The missionary families are here from Norway, India, Sweden, USA. All have multiple children.  Winslow is the youngest. We are going to start a play group for the young ones who are not yet in school.  

Win enjoying some crackers in his newly painted highchair.

The mission hospital appears well organized and equipped with patients lining up out the doors.  We will be learning much about it over the next months here. 

The people of Nepal are very kind and have big hearts. They LOVE babies! Winslow gets all kinds of attention where ever we go.  He is called Babu-Win which means baby boy win!

Today, Ryan has a hospital orientation. Tomorrow he will just fly right into it. The hospital seems to be very busy. I have decided to spend the first few weeks making our home a home and helping Winslow get back to a normal sleep schedule and daily routine.  This past week has been tricky with the 10 hour time change.  Overall, he is adjusting well. It just takes time.  Now that he has a crib, sleeping will be much better for him.  

It appears cooking taking quite some time here. We are not supposed to drink the water so all of our fruits and veggies have to be first soaked in iodine.  And washing dishes, baths for Winslow need to have boiled water. Everything is all washed by hand. So as you can see, its a process.  We have a woman named Meena who is our Didi. She comes to our home to help me with household chores, laundry, cooking and childcare.  She does not speak English and I do not speak Nepali so we have to work out a system. I already feel very blessed to have her help. Today, she is taking me to the market to buy some food and things for the home. 

Once I feel settled and Winslow is comfortable with Meena, I plan to do some Child Life work in the hospital. There is a pediatric ward.  I have spoke with the Pediatric Physician and a few nurses and they love the idea of Child Life here. I hope to put in a few days a week and even do a few presentations, teaching the students and nurses some Child Life techniques. 

We have all remained healthy so far. Please continue to pray for us and the people of Nepal.  

Thanks for reading!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Countdown Begins

This summer has been by far, the busiest of summers!  It has been jam packed with family, friends and lots of fun!  Here is a recap:

Ryan graduated from the Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program! Wahoo!! Ryan took his boards a few weeks ago -- a big relief for all of us. We moved in with my parents and our renters moved into our Uptown house. Living at home has been a huge blessing. Did I mention my younger sister, Gina (22y/o) is living here too?  We are having so much fun. Its nice to have the help and support with Win.  Initially, when we found out that our renters needed to move in a month earlier, we were a little disappointed but it has been so wonderful. If we had waited, we would now be scrambling around getting the house packed up and not enjoying the summer.

In between preparations; completing vaccines, target runs, packing and re packing we have managed to have a little bit of fun. :)

                                Visiting Ryan's parents at their lake home in Alexandria, MN
                                                Eating sherbert and soaking up the sun :)
                                            Trip to the Black Hills for the Koch's wedding!

A bit of clarification for our readers: On Monday, August 6th we leave for Nepal. Nepal is located above India. We will be in Nepal until December. Then we will be headed to Zimbabwe, Africa from December until May.  Winslow and I have decided to come home a month earlier so that we can make it to my sister, Natalie's wedding in Palm Springs!!! Cannot wait!!  Winslow will be the ring bearer and I am a bridesmaid.

As I mentioned in a previous post, we have packed two separate shipments.  One for Zimbabwe and one for Nepal.

Our things for Zimbabwe were sent in a large shipping container full of medical supplies.  It left from Nebraska last week and is scheduled to arrive in about 4 months.  I pray that everything makes it okay.  

It was very nice to have our things sent a little early. This took much of the load off. As you can see in the photo below I have sent several dried food, muffin mix, spices, etc.  This will really liven up our food ;)

                                                           Winslow helping me pack
                                             Food, toiletries, my clothes and Winslow's clothes. I have never been brave enough to do cloth diapers but that's what we will be switching over to!! Thanks to a few good friends who have shown me what Im doing. ;)
Signed, Sealed, Delivered!